Dinosaur Quilt

After our Christmas PJ Quilt, Ellie asked me for her own thick and cozy quilt. I told her we had to save up money for another one because they are expensive. And then I decided to surprise Ellie on her 10th birthday with her own quilt. A quilt made from over 56 of my favorite dinosaur outfits that she had outgrown. I cannot even describe how amazing this quilt is. Every little detail from our favorite outfits has been included on this quilt. Rebecca, Vintage Giggles Owner, is the best at designing these quilts. She knew Ellie loves purple so picked purple trim to match an amazing teal and white striped backing. I added a decorative pillow sham and teddy bear to this special order. Our big, heavy box delivered a month before Ellie's birthday. I immediately wrapped it and put it in the top of my bedroom closet. I wanted Ellie to be the first one to see it. Ellie opened it on her 10th Birthday at the beach. She was so excited and surprised. I seriously can't get over the time and details that go into these quilts. And the Teddy Bear! This is a new item and I'm so glad that Ellie now has a Dino Teddy Bear. Thank you Vintage Giggles for always going along with my crazy plans.


Most of Ellie's Amazing dresses came from a company named Millie Loves Lily. Ellie has been in their Zulily adds a few times. They send us outfits on occasion in exchange for Ellie modeling them in photos. I will be so sad when my girl has outgrown these girly dinosaur dresses and outfits. They don't just have dinosaur outfits. They have so many different themes. Check them out!


10th Birthday at the Beach. I can't even with the Bear. And the Surprise Quilt!

Some of my Favorite Pictures of Ellie in outfits I chose for the quilt.